Recent Work
![React Dictionary App](/images/react-dictionary-app.png)
React Dictionary App
Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
This dictionary application was coded in React, utilizing Hooks, Components, and Props. Other languages used include HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, and Bootstrap for styling. The API and Pexels API was used to display the definitions, phonetics, sentence examples, and photographic examples of a word.
![React Weather App](/images/react-weather-app.png)
React JS Weather App
Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
This weather application was coded in React, utilizing Hooks, Components, and Props. Other languages used include HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, and Bootstrap for styling. The Open Weather Map API was used to pull real-time weather data and 3 hour forecasts for any given city worldwide. When a user searches for a city, the app will return the local time of that city. A Geolocation feature using the Open Weather Map API is also available. Users have the option to convert the units from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
![Vanilla JS Weather App](/images/vanilla-js-weather-app.png)
Vanilla JS Weather App
Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
This weather application was coded in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, as well as utilizing Bootstrap for styling. The Open Weather Map API was used to pull real-time weather data and 3 hour forecasts for any given city worldwide. A Geolocation feature using the Open Weather Map API is also available. Users have the option to convert the units from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
![Travel Webpage](/images/travel-webpage.png)
Travel Webpage
Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
This landing page for a website devoted to travel was the very first full project that I built using the basics of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. The photographs featured on the landing page were taken by me in Morocco during the summer of 2019.